

Joseph-Marie Jacquard (1752 a.C.-1834 a.C.). Inventor of the Jacquard weaving loom that, thanks to punched cards, automatically weaves fabrics. Ancestor of the computer for the use of punch cards, it is the most important invention in the textile industry. 10/2“Now the machine of the Lyon worker has taken its place among the powerful motors of industry. This name, pronounced at first with rage in the workshops, is popular throughout Europe”. Faucher


Joseph-Marie Jacquard (1752 ap. J.-C. – 1834 ap. J.-C.). Inventeur du métier à tisser Jacquard qui, grâce aux cartes perforées, tisse automatiquement des tissus. Ancêtre de l’ordinateur pour l’utilisation des cartes perforées, c’est l’invention la plus importante dans l’industrie textile. “Maintenant la machine de l’ouvrier lyonnais a pris sa place parmi les puissants moteurs de l’industrie. Ce nom, prononcé d’abord avec colère dans les ateliers, est populaire dans toute l’Europe.” Faucher


Joseph-Marie Jacquard (1752 d.C. – 1834 d.C.). Inventore del telaio Jacquard per la tessitura che, grazie alle schede perforate, tesse automaticamente tessuti. Antenato del computer per l’uso delle schede perforate, è l’invenzione più importante nell’industria tessile. “Ora la macchina dell’operaio lionese ha preso il suo posto tra i potenti motori dell’industria. Questo nome, pronunciato inizialmente con rabbia nelle officine, è popolare in tutta Europa.” Faucher